
School2Home invests in the capacity and expertise of School Leadership Teams through an annual Leadership Academy and 3 quarterly Regional Learning Community Meetings to:

  • Inspire continued executive school leadership engagement to help close the Achievement Gap and Digital Divide in each region.
  • Understand School2Home 10 Core Components and program implementation management tools to ensure success that improves student outcomes on multiple measures.
  • Interact with pace-setting School Leadership Teams across the state to share their progress and “lessons learned” with the objective of becoming a model using technology to drive improved academic performance effectively.

 The Annual Leadership Academy presents a unique opportunity for School2Home educators, schools administrations, partners and principals to discuss their role in supporting implementations, scaling best practices to maximize impact, and forming collaborative partnerships to improve educational achievement and the quality of life of students in their districts.

By the end of the annual Leadership Academy, each School Leadership Team develops an action plan to improve the implementation of School2Home at their school. Leadership Academies have received positive feedback and high marks from participants every year.  The California Department of Education, CUE members, and the California Collaborative for Education Excellence are key contributors to the Leadership Academy.

“I always look forward to these three days.  I always leave with new ideas and partnerships.” 

                     Francisco Canche, Program, Policy, and Partnership Development Specialist,           Los Angeles Unified School District