six colleagues meeting while looking over document

School Leadership and a thoughtful planning process are essential for a successful School2Home implementation.  Changing a school culture requires a strong leader who can establish a shared vision, align resources with learning priorities, and build relationships to support a school-wide agenda for improving student outcomes.  A cross-departmental School Leadership Team composed of teachers and staff is necessary to ensure an efficient and effective implementation.

The School Leadership Team works together and with other stakeholders to develop a roadmap for implementing School2Home over several years and sustaining the culture into the future.  This plan ensures that the School2Home implementation is smooth and that the right teams are in place to handle the many details associated with fully integrating technology into the school culture.  The plan should also identify ways in which School2Home complements other school improvement initiatives, such as the Single Plan for School Improvement.

Implementation Process

Assess Readiness

Assess Readiness. Before undertaking School2Home, the school principal and a district representative should assess their readiness to do so. The Principal Reflection Tool helps principals assess school readiness regarding leadership, commitment, funding, and other required resources.

Identify the Leadership Team

Identify the Leadership Team. Next, the principal establishes a School Leadership Team of 3-5 members to guide School2Home planning and implementation. Because the School Leadership Team must meet regularly and take the lead on implementing 1 or more of the Core Components, School2Home recommends that team members receive a stipend and "time off." The suggested members of the School Leadership Team are listed below.

  • Minimally, the team should have a lead for Teacher Professional Learning, Parent Engagement and Education, and Technical Support. (Descriptions of the responsibilities of each Lead can be found in the tools below.)
  • Administrative Lead: Responsible for assessing resources, holding regular meetings, and monitoring implementation progress.
  • Professional Learning Lead: Responsible for ensuring the School2Home Professional Learning Modules are delivered and integrated with other teacher supports.
  • Parent Engagement and Education Lead: Responsible for overseeing the implementation of the School2Home activities for parents, which involves having teachers provide parent workshops and developing strategies to enhance the overall level of parent engagement.
  • Technology Support Lead: Responsible for helping with the acquisition, management and repair of digital devices for students to use at school and at home.
  • Student Tech Expert Development Lead: Responsible for establishing a “Student Tech Expert class” including curriculum development and student recruitment.
  • Low-Cost Home Internet Access Lead: Responsible for ensuring parents obtain Internet access at home.

Find Potential Partners

Find Potential Partners. School2Home is a comprehensive and multi-year endeavor and partners can help lift the load. Potential partners could include the following:

  • School district personnel to help deliver the Professional Learning Modules, assist in purchasing and managing devices, and help with parent workshops.
  • County Offices of Education, many of which have dedicated personnel for assisting with technology management, parent engagement, and teacher professional learning.
  • Community-based organizations, especially those involved in digital literacy, digital inclusion, K-12 education, and family services.
  • Local businesses that could provide financial support or offer employees who might volunteer to help with implementation.
  • Community foundations that might provide financial support for the entire program, or fund a particular component or meet another need, such as insurance for devices
  • Other technology programs at the school, such as Digital Promise and Common Sense Media Certification, that could be aligned to support the School2Home implementation and reduce duplication of work needed by school staff.

If implementation partners are identified and agree to help, it is an excellent practice to develop a Partnership Framework that defines the roles and responsibilities. A sample is provided in the tools below.

Identify Goals

Identify Goals. Before detailing implementation activities, it is essential to develop a timeline and goals with metrics to measure progress. Smaller schools might implement all components with all grade levels in a year and focus on enrichment activities in subsequent years. Schools at the other end of readiness may want to focus on planning, professional learning, parent training, and deployment of devices and home Internet. Goals should relate to the School Single Plan for Student Achievement and incorporate metrics that are shown on the California Education Dashboard and school climate surveys.

Develop an Implementation Work Plan

Develop an Implementation Work Plan. After establishing a vision and goals, it is time to develop a Work Plan that identifies activities for the first year, responsibilities, due dates, deliverables, and tracking progress methods. A template is provided in the tools below.

Coordinate Implementatiion Activities

Coordinate Implementation Activities. The Administrative Lead convenes the School Leadership Team monthly to review the Work Plan, reflect on their progress, and find ways to build on their strengths and collaboratively address weaknesses. Implementation timelines may be adjusted if necessary. Implementation metrics should help monitor progress and implementation fidelity.

Evaluate and Develop Implementation Work Plan for the Next Year

Evaluate and Develop Implementation Work Plan for the Next Year. Using the Year-End Leadership Team Reflection Tool and tools developed for the Evaluation Core Component, the School Leadership Team (or a designated specialist) should evaluate the first year and begin planning for the year to come.