Coaching and Mentoring

The Teacher Coaching and Mentoring Core Component ensures that teachers receive real-time, ongoing support and guidance throughout the year. This support helps teachers incorporate the theory and knowledge they gained in the Learning Modules into their classroom practice. Schools that are serious about technology integration need to have an Instructional Technology Coach on board and ready to help teachers implement technology in their content areas.
Research has shown that effective coaching programs foster a culture of partnership among teachers and principals, facilitate voluntary and non-evaluative participation for teachers, and provide opportunities for teachers to engage in active learning relevant to their classroom needs. A coach can help teachers navigate the complexities of distance learning. Ideally, the Instructional Technology Coach is an experienced teacher with reduced classroom responsibilities.
Implementation Process
The implementation process will vary depending on available resources. The following recommended implementation steps are guidelines based on best practices and the experience of School2Home.
Identify an Instructional Technology Coach
Identify an Instructional Technology Coach. The principal should develop and post a job description. The Technology Coach should have established relationships with the teaching staff, possess deep instructional technology experience, and have release time to work with teachers. If this position is not feasible, the principal can determine how the Technology Coach's responsibilities can be conducted by other support staff.
Identify Context Experts
Identify Content Experts. Coaching is more effective if the focus is on specific content areas and not only on technology. The Instructional Technology Coach should collaborate with other instructional coaches to ensure they are familiar with the material covered in the Professional Learning modules. If Instructional Technology Coaches are not available, the Leadership Team should identify tech-savvy teachers in the various content areas to model effective classroom strategies for others.
Review Teacher Readiness Assessment Results
Review Teacher Readiness Assessment Results. The Teacher Readiness Self-Assessment results can help the Instructional Technology Coach identify needs and establish a schedule of activities to support teachers in various settings.
Share Research and Resources
Share Research and Resources. There is significant research focused on effective Instructional Technology practices. The Instructional Technology Coach should devote time each week to review and share current research, teaching resources, and effective strategies.
Evaluate Year-End Results
Evaluate Year-End Results. The Instructional Technology Coach plays a vital role at the end of the year when results are viewed with the established goals through surveys, reflection sessions, and other data sources. The Coach can help teachers develop new professional learning goals and a plan for achieving them.
Other Tools & Guidance
- Responsibilities of an Instructional Technology Coach
- Instructional Coaching Holds Promise as a Method to Improve Teacher’s Impact Brookings Institute, Brown Center Chalkboard Blog January 2019
- What Two National Studies Say About Successful Instructional Coaching, Digital Promise Blog, March 2020
- Research Alert / Instructional Coaches Got Game Blog from Educational Leadership November 2018
- The Effect of Teacher Coaching on Instruction and Achievement: A Meta-Analysis of Causal Evidence Brown University Abstract of Paper by Matthew A. Kraft
- Why Schools Should Consider Online Coaching for Teachers, The Education Trust