mom helping child on computer
Mom helping child on the computer

School2Home works with schools located in neighborhoods and communities where Internet adoption rates are low.  When students lack digital devices and broadband access, their schools cannot leverage the benefits of technology for teaching and learning and the distant learning platforms that bring the school community together.

The Low-Cost Home Internet Access Core Component helps families obtain home Internet subscription.  The Federal Government has developed an Emergency Broadband Benefit  (EBB) program to help all families get connected.  Also, CETF has worked with numerous Internet providers to negotiate low-cost offers that address these barriers.  School2Home helps families find a home Internet plan that is right for them.  This effort requires a multi-faceted “hands-on” approach.

Implementation Process

The School Leadership Team is responsible for implementing this Core Component; however, the Parent Training Lead assumes the primary responsibility for ensuring that accurate information and robust technical support are provided to parents. Larger schools should identify an "Internet at Home Access Lead" to help with this resource-intensive endeavor.

Conduct Home Internet Adoption Assessment

Conduct Home Internet Adoption Assessment. Administer an Internet adoption survey to all students at the beginning of the year. The assessment results help school and community partners understand the extent of the needed outreach and related resources.

Inventory Available Affordable Home Internet Offers

Inventory Available Low-Cost Home Internet Offers. The resources located on the School2Home website provide an excellent place to start. However, further outreach to providers may uncover additional offerings. At a minimum, it is important to document the cost, the speed and eligibility requirements.

Customize Materials on Affordable Internet Offers

Customize Materials on Low-Cost Internet Offers. Develop customized handouts and materials for the school website that describe the offers. The brochures should be prepared in languages used by families in the school. It should note that if a family has a school-provided hotspot, they may still be eligible for anlow-cost home Internet offer.

Offer Guidance on Subscribing to Affordable Internet

Offer Guidance on Subscribing to Low-Cost Internet. Beyond the parent workshops, provide information on low-cost Internet offers at other school events including orientation sessions and family nights. As with the Parent Workshops, it can be useful to invite representatives from ISPs and local community-based organizations to help provide the hands-on assistance that is often required to help determine eligibility and manage the subscription process.

Monitor Progress

Monitor Progress. Some parents may drop their Internet service for any number of reasons. Thus, it is a smart practice to periodically follow-up with families to ensure they stay connected. The school should keep track of the number of families that successfully subscribe to the Internet offers.