Teacher Professional Learning
The School2Home Teacher Professional Learning Core Component centers on providing Professional Learning Modules (Modules) to participating teachers. The Modules are constructed around learning objectives, targeted outcomes, and performance indicators. Each session is intended to last about 2 hours, with an additional hour of follow-on activities. The Modules focus on meaningful parent engagement, technology integration frameworks (SAMR, TPACK, etc.), digital citizenship, and personalized learning. Once teachers are introduced to the objectives covered in the modules, the Leadership Team will determine how these can be reinforced and embedded into other trainings taking place during the school year.
The Modules can be customized by a school to avoid duplication with other planned learning activities for teachers. It is up to the Leadership Team to weave the School2Home curriculum into a seamless and sustained professional learning program.
The 8 fundamental Modules of School2Home are listed in the tools below. A facilitator guide, additional background research, a slide presentation with a suggested script are provided for each. At the end of each learning session, the teachers are provided with resources, readings, and assignments to help extend the learning and a feedback form for the presenters. In the last Module, the facilitator and the participants review critical concepts and reflect on ways to continue their professional growth. Content from these Modules can be easily integrated into other Professional Learning opportunities provided by the school or district. Once teaches are introduced to the objectives covered in the modules, the Leadership Team will determine how these can be reinforced and embedded into other trainings taking place during the school year.
Implementation Process
The School Leadership Team supports implementation of this Core Component. However, the Principal and the Professional Learning Lead manage a larger share of the work. In fact, the Professional Learning Modules are most successful when fully supported by school leaders and carefully integrated into a larger quilt of ongoing professional learning. Following are the recommended steps of the Professional Learning implementation process:
Select the Facilitator
Select the Facilitator. Typically, but not always, the Professional Learning Lead on the School Leadership Team serves as the facilitator of the Modules. Ideally, the Instructional Coach or another teacher is on hand to help. The facilitator plays a critical implementation role, responsible for customizing the content and providing feedback to participants. Note that it is recommended that the Principal welcome participants in Module 1 and present Module 2 in its entirety.
Administer the Teacher Readiness Assessment
Administer the Teacher Readiness Assessment. This online tool allows teachers to assess their current level of knowledge about the content in each Module as well as their use of the content in their practice. The School Leadership Team uses the assessment results to identify the content knowledge and skills the teachers wish to strengthen. Selected questions from this Assessment can be used in the final evaluation survey to measure progress.
Review School2Home Curriculum and Other School Initiatives
Review School2Home Curriculum and Other School Initiatives. The Leadership Team should use the Curriculum Assessment Tool to determine whether similar content has or will be provided by another partner. For example, teachers may have already completed the Common Sense Digital Media Certification program or a district offering.
Customize the School2Home Curriculum
Customize the School2Home Curriculum. Using the results of the steps above, the Leadership Team adjusts the curriculum's overall emphasis if necessary. The Professional Learning Lead is responsible for customizing the content to meet identified needs.
Schedule the Professional Learning Sessions
Schedule the Professional Learning Sessions. Many schools find that it works best to offer the Modules over several months, allowing teachers to absorb the materials, practice in their classrooms, and reflect on what works best for their unique situation.
Prepare to Deliver the Modules
Prepare to Deliver the Modules. The facilitator needs to have sufficient time to study the materials and practice presenting the session. It is recommended that at least 2 hours of preparation is provided for each session.
Plan for the Future
Plan for the Future. Learning is an ongoing process. The School2Home Professional Learning e provides a foundation on which to build ongoing opportunities for teachers to build their technology skills. The Leadership Team should determine how to reinforce and expand the foundational content so teachers continue their growth.
Other Tools & Guidance
- Slide Presentations with Sample Script for the 8 Modules:
- Module 1- Overview of School2Home and Digital Learning: This module is intended to introduce participants to School2Home and the importance of digital learning.
- Module 2- Parent Engagement and School Culture: This Module is 1 of 2 that is focuses on parent engagement. This one focuses on the importance of parent and family engagement as related to positive school culture. Ideally, the principal serves as the facilitator to show support from the top.
- Module 3- Digital Citizenship: This Module provides background and resources ono Digital Citizenship, most of which is adapted from the Common Sense Digital Media Curriculum
- Module 4- SAMR and Your Lesson Planning: This Module introduces participants to the SAMR Model, a useful framework for teachers to reflect on ways use technology at higher-order levels.
- Module 5- Planning with TPACK: In this Module, teachers explore the TPACK framework, and work together to develop their own TPACK.
- Module 6- Personalized Learning: This module focuses on new approaches to instruction delivery, classroom management and learning environment design to support personalized learning.
- Module 7- Role of Parents in Your Practice: This is the second Module on parent engagement, which centers on ways that teachers can engage parents to support their child’s learning.
- Module 8- Review and Celebrate: The purpose of Module 8 is to provide a brief review of the key concepts of School2Home. As well, time is provided for teachers to work on a project in which they incorporate some of the learnings